Polish Junior Open Gold 2023 (SS) powered by Betard
On the behalf of the European Squash Federation and Polish Squash Association we are proud to invite you to participate in the PJO GOLD 2023 powered by Betard being the part of ESF Juniors Circuit Tournament. Polish Junior Open Gold 2023 powered by Betard will be held in the Sports Center Hasta la Vista in Wrocław from 10th-12th November 2023.
- STREAMING LIVE: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9: HERE
- First Matches: SCHEDULE HERE
- Entries: HERE
- Invitation: HERE
- Dates: 10.11 – 12.11.2023
- Start: Friday 10.11.2023 around 09:00 / 10:00
- End: Sunday 12.11.2023 around 15:00
- The event is planned as 3 days long.
- Closing date for entries: 20.10.2023, 23:59 GMT+1
- Status: GOLD former SUPER SERIES (SS)
- EVENT: ESF Juniors Circuit Tournament
- Categories: Boys & Girls u19, u17, u15, u13, u11, Players may only enter one category.
- Check-in: All players should check-in at least one hour before their first match. Check in is mandatory.
General schedule | |
Category | Days |
GU11 | Saturday |
BU11 | Saturday – Sunday |
GU13 | Friday – Saturday – Sunday |
BU13 | Friday – Saturday – Sunday |
GU15 | Friday – Saturday – Sunday |
BU15 | Friday – Saturday – Sunday |
GU17 | Friday – Saturday – Sunday |
BU17 | Friday – Saturday – Sunday |
GU19 | Friday – Saturday – Sunday |
BU19 | Friday – Saturday – Sunday |
9th November
08:00 – 16:00 – Players can use all available courts for practice purpose at no charge but courts can not be pre-booked.
16:00 – 21:00 – 4 courts available only for PJO player at no charge – courts can not be pre-booked by individual players. Players need to share court availability between themselves.
Extra access to the courts require payment according to the standard prices: https://hastalavista.pl/cennik/#squash
If you are interested in an individual reservation requiring payment, you can book the court in advance via: pjo@hastalavista.pl or at the reception desk on arrival at Hasta La Vista.
10-12 November
on these days all of the event courts* work as practice ones from 1 hour before the matches start (e.g. matches start at 09:00, courts will be available from 8:00).
During the event days players can use all available courts for practice purpose at no charge but courts can not be pre-booked.
During the event days access to the glass court in charge of TD Tomas Hraszky: email: thrazsky@gmail.com, whatsApp +48 698 437 762
*Event courts = courts used on a particular day to play out the event matches
Extra access to the courts require payment according to the standard prices: https://hastalavista.pl/cennik/#squash
If you are interested in an individual reservation requiring payment, you can book the court in advance via: pjo@hastalavista.pl or at the reception desk on arrival at Hasta La Vista.
Meals will be available to buy in the facility during the tournament. Payments will be accepted in cash and card (PLN/EUR)
Players and supporters with pre-paid packages will receive their meals after showing the tournament ID card (received in registration).
Date | Time | Meals in package |
9.11.2023 | 16:00 – 21:00 | 1 |
10.11.2023 | 12:30 – 20:00 | 2 |
11.11.2023 | 12:30 – 21:00 | 2 |
12.11.2023 | 11:30 – 15:30 | 1 |
Each player is supposed to register and collect ID and welcome packs (t-shirt) before first match.
Only the appropriate ID entitles to use the services that are compatible with package such as transport or meal.
Date | Time |
9.11.2023 | 16:00 – 21:00 |
10.11.2023 | 08:30 – 18:30 |
11.11.2023 | 08:30 – 18:30 |
12.11.2023 | – |
Opening hours may be adjusted to the needs of the particular day.

Service will be available throughout the whole tournament – racquets left for re-stringing will be ready the next morning (by the start of tournament).
You can leave your racquet at TYTAN.shop located in Hasta la Vista:
- Thursday: 13:30 – 21:00
- Friday: 13:30 – 19:00
- Saturday: 11:00 – 19:00
Live streaming will be provided form 8 courts
- Number of courts covered with streaming: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

All entries must be made online and endorsed by the players National Association: ONLINE ENTRIES HERE
- Closing date for entries: 20.10.2023; 23:59 GMT+1
- Players may only enter one category.
- Players can register for ESID with ESF through the ESF tournament software website: https://esf.tournamentsoftware.com/member/createorganizationaccount.aspx?id=8B5D0106-404D-41C3-B2FB-E6FE1BCEAB52
Boys & Girls u19, u17, u15, u13, u11 – maximum 96 players in each category. The TD reserves the right to amalgamate age groups if there are insufficient entries to make a workable draw. Players are only allowed to enter one category.
The U11 categories are not recognised for ranking purposes of ESF.
Juniors from Russia or Belarus are excluded from the event.
Any player shall be entitled to enter providing that he/she is under the age of 11/13/15/17/19/ (according to the category entered on the closing date of the tournament). As specified by the European Squash Federation; to compete in all ESF registered events, all players, coaches, managers and other officials must be registered with ESF. This must be approved and validated by the relevant MNF.
Players may only enter one category.
The ESF has excluded juniors from Russia or Belarus to enter the event.
PZSQ A GRADE TOURNAMENT – important for polish players
All categories will be recognised for ranking purposes of the Polish Squash Association classified as a A grade tournament.
Players need to have valid Polish Squash Association license to recive points in A grade tournament. Players from outside of Poland, who doesn’t have Polish Squash Association license may recive it by filling up this form HERE ( after filling in the form it need to be send back at biuro@polskisquash.pl in exel file )
Players who do not obtain this license by the seeding date, will not recive A grade tournament points.
U11 categories are also played under ESF regulations.
The MNF is responsible for ensuring that all players, coaches, managers and other officials are registered with ESF prior to entry, and their entry is fully supported.
Players can register for ESID with ESF through the ESF tournament software website:: https://www.europeansquash.com/page/25661/ESID
Have you previously played a ESF event? Then your ESID should already exist. Please, check your ESID by clicking that link and choosing ‚player’ in the drop down menu http://esf.tournamentsoftware.com/ ESID number starts with letters ‚ES’.
The seeding and draw will be carried out using the ESF rankings valid at the tournament closing date in accordance with the ESF Junior Circuit Guidelines Section D.
All matches played will consist of the best of five games, under the rules of the WSF. All players are guaranteed a minimum of three matches. PAR 11 scoring (to 2 clear points) will be used.
Maximum draw size: 96
Both players will be expected to mark and referee matches.
Players must wear suitable squash attire including non-marking shoes.
It is mandatory for approved eye protection to be worn at all times during competition play, including the knock up at this event. Players will not be allowed to compete without approved eye protection.
Certified eyewear: http://www.worldsquash.org/certified-eyewear/
Paramedic will be available ot the facility during all the matches.
All entries must be made through / endorsed by the relevant national federation. Any entry not endorsed by a player’s national federation will not be accepted. All entries will be acknowledged and published on the tournament website www.hastalavista.pl and HERE
The recording of matches for coaching/performance analysis purposes is acceptable provided the player and/or their parents/coaches do not object.
The Junior Open will be publishing draws, results, photos of players as well as live streaming.
Players enter and play in the tournament at their own risk. Neither the organisers nor the ESF will accept responsibility for any claims including for injury or accident. Suitable insurance must be organised by the player or the participating federation.
This event complies with the European Squash Federation Junior Circuit Guidelines – a copy of which is available on the European Squash Federation website at www.europeansquash.com.
The fees and packages must be paid to the host by bank transfer net of bank charges, by the entry closing date.
Entries not paid on time will NOT be accepted for the Tournament.
Bankdetails for payment in EUR
Account holder: Wiązów Zenon Waniak
IBAN: PL 29 1090 2516 0000 0001 3580 0474
Bankdetails for payment in PLN
Account holder: Wiązów Zenon Waniak
IBAN: PL 64 1090 2516 0000 0001 1644 3591
Please mark payment clearly: PJO2023/Players Name.
In case of a need of an invoice, please let us know by email at pjo@hastalavista.pl BEFORE THE PAYMENT.
- Obligatory fee
Entry fee (wpisowe): 65 EUR/300 PLN (entry fee + levy fee + 1 t-shirt)
- Optional packages
Hotel and Food package (pakiet z hotelem i wyżywieniem): 319 EUR/1480 PLN (entry fee, 1 t-shirt, 3 nights’ accommodation in twin / tripple room, lunches & dinners at each day of the event, breakfasts at the hotel, transportation from and to the nearest airport or train station, shuttle beween hotel and the venue)
Extra night:
a) in twin room 40 EUR/185 PLN per person per night
b) in single room 65 EUR/300 PLN per person per night
Single room supplement: + 25 EUR/115 PLN per person per night
Accompayning ( for non-players ) : 254 EUR/1180 PLN (3 nights’ accommodation in twin room, lunches & dinners at each day of the event, breakfasts at the hotel, transportation from and to the nearest airport or train station, shuttle beween hotel and the venue)
- Extra T-shirt
There is possibility to purchase an extra T-shirts for 29 EUR. We collect orders at pjo@hastalavista.pl up to 20.10.2023.
- Withdrawal up to 14 days before the start date of a tournament: fees reimbursed in full (less bank charges).
- Withdrawal 3-14 days before the start date of a tournament: 50% of fees reimbursed (less bank charges)
- Withdrawal 2 days or less before the start date of a tournament: reimbursement at the discretion of the tournament organiser
In case of withdrawal, fees will be reimbursed according to ESF Junior Circuit Guidelines , section E.
However, expenses already incurred in connection with hotel bookings etc. will not be refunded.
Dofinansowanie 50% dla TOP 10 zawodników rankingu PZSQ / TOP 20 zawodników rankingu ESF. Informacje TUTAJ
Medal ceremony for each category will take place right after the end of the last match in given age category.
There will be prizes and trophies in all categories and the money prizes in U19 categories.
Accommodation will be provided for all purchased Hotel & Food or accompanying package.
Anybody who pays only Entry Fee will need to organise their own accommodation.
ul. Muchoborska 10
54-424 Wrocław
Distance from hotel to the venue: 3 km.
Web: https://www.hotelediament.pl/hotele/park-hotel-diament-wroclaw/
Reservations can only be made by the tournament organisers via: pjo@hastalavista.pl
Transport will be provided for all purchased Hotel & Food or Accompanying package.
Arrival/departure point must be Wroclaw Airport or Wroclaw main train station.
On all playing days there will be a regular bus transfer service between the official hotels and the venue. Time schedule will be published closer to the event*.
Anybody who pays only Entry Fee will need to organise their own transport.
*In the case of a small number of standard and accompanying packages, the organiser reserves the right to change the shuttle bus to the taxi paid by Hasta la Vista.
Meals will be available to buy in the facility during the tournament. Payments will be accepted in cash and card (PLN/EUR).
Players and supporters with pre-paid packages will receive their meal after showing the tournament ID card received in registration).
- Catering opening hours: will be published closer to the event.
Hotel & Food packages can ONLY be reserved via the email: pjo@hastalavista.pl
Hotel & Food package fee is non-refundable after the closing of entries.
Each player will receive a tournament T-shirt.
T-shirts are to be collected at the check-in.
Extra T-shirts can be purchased for 29 EUR via email pjo@hastalavista.pl up to 20.10.2023.
Hasta la Vista reserves the right to choose the T-shirt size itself, for those who didn’t provide clear shirt size during online registration e.g. „-” instead of „S”.
Sizes will be selected as follows:
- U11 – 152 cm
- U13 – 165 cm
- U15 – Men/Ladies M
- U17 – Men/Ladies L
- U17 – Men/Ladies L

Entries / zapisy:
email : pjo@hastalavista.pl
Tournament director / dyrektor turnieju: Tomas Hrazsky
Phone +48 698 437 762
email: thrazsky@gmail.com
Tournament referee / sędzia główny: Piotr Samborski
Phone: +48 501 746 927
email: piotr@stacjapolarny.pl
Event Manager / koordynator wydarzenia: Agnieszka Saniuk
Phone: +48 666 350 565
email: a.saniuk@hastalavista.pl
Name: Hasta la Vista Sports Center
Address: ul. Góralska 5, 53-610 Wrocław, Poland
Website: www.hastalavista.pl